Common Allergy Symptoms and How to Alleviate Them

For those of you who have fought with allergies the fact that having an allergic reaction to something can be life altering is common knowledge. However, many people do not know that allergies can be obtained throughout life. It is not something people are only born with. Every year more types of allergies are being discovered. This is why we we will help you sort out the types of allergic reactions and how to recognize them. Furthermore, we will discuss possible triggers but also the best treatment in the case of a serious allergic reaction.

Most Common Allergy Types

There are numerous types of allergies. We will try to sort them into categories according to the triggers behind them. Respiratory allergies can be caused by many things such as mold, dust, pollen, or being in contact with a pet such as a cat or a dog. Another type is food allergy, that can be caused by intake of particular nutrients found in different food items. Being allergic to something can change one’s life, but this type of allergy is one of the most difficult one to live with since people are not always in the position to check the ingredients of the meal they are eating. Allergic reactions can be caused by milk, soy, egg, wheat, peanuts, cashew, seafood like shellfish, and more. Listed here are just the most common food types that are known to cause allergies, but if you suspect that another ingredient is causing you an allergic reaction, contact your doctor as soon as possible. Skin allergies are the ones where the cause of the allergic reaction was previously in contact with skin surface. Plants like poison ivy, bee sting, different skin care products and makeup are just some of the examples of the things that can cause allergic reactions on your skin. We can also point out the possible eye allergies that are manifested as red and teary eyes. Some people can also develop drug allergies, and should avoid particular medicines.

Most Common Allergy Symptoms

If you are suffering from one of the above mentioned allergy types, then you are familiar with the many ways an allergic reaction can manifest itself. It is possible to mistake an allergic reaction for a common flu, asthma, or another disease. A Running nose and sneezing can be effects of an allergic reaction, which usually occurs due to respiratory allergies. These symptoms can be mistaken with a cold, but if caused by a repetitive behavior around a certain substance they are a likely allergy. Furthermore, if you are feeling short of breath, or you are experiencing coughing fits in particular situations, or during a certain season, you could be having an allergic reaction. Rash, or redness of the skin is one of the most usual allergic symptoms indicating skin allergies. Symptoms of food allergies can come in the form of vomiting and nausea, and many mistake them with food poisoning. Also fever, headache and tiredness can point to certain allergies but they too get mistaken with other conditions.

Most Common Triggers for Allergic Reactions

It is important to know what can cause an allergic reaction, or at least be familiar with the most common sources. As we have mentioned before, there are many types of different allergies, and many still surfacing, thus the types of triggers are plentiful. The triggers of an allergic reaction can be: inhaling pollen from plants, mold, dust; being in the presence of a pet (most common are cat and dog allergies); drinking or eating a certain type of food such as milk, wheat, or nuts; having a skin contact with particular plants such as poison ivy, or certain cosmetics products that are used in everyday skin care; being bitten by an insect such as a wasp or a bee. If you are experiencing an allergic reaction and have encountered one of the above symptoms, contact your nearest medic for more help.

Best Ways to Treat an Allergy

Previously we have mentioned triggers that are best known to cause allergic reactions. It is crucial to know what is causing the issue so you can avoid recurrence. If an allergic reaction occurs, the safest thing to do is contact a doctor immediately to consult on what medicine that is required. Depending on the type of allergy you are suffering, different medicines can be prescribed such as antihistamines, different nasal sprays, eye drops or decongestants. But, for many people living with allergies the most important thing we can do is make sure we create a safe and healthy environment. Making sure to close doors and windows, and trying to avoid outdoor activities during pollen season, can be helpful with respiratory allergies. Air filters also prove useful in removing potential allergies in your environment. Probiotics are also a good way to alleviate certain allergy symptoms caused by food allergies.

Allergies come in different forms and shapes, and can be triggered by many things. If you have reason to believe you might be allergic to something your next step is calling you doctor and addressing the issue as soon as possible.