Roundup Weed Killer: Its Effects and What To Do to Get Help

Weeds are always everywhere and can wreak havoc when they’re growing endlessly in your yard.  It’s the perennial enemy of gardeners, farmers, and homeowners.  A great way to eradicate them is through the use of herbicides like Roundup. This herbicide is very effective in killing weeds and with long-lasting effects.   

However, Roundup has been receiving a lot of backlash because of so-called negative impact on consumer health as well as to the environment. Its main ingredient, glyphosate, is said to be a human carcinogen that causes cancer like Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Many lawsuits have been filed by persons who were said to be afflicted by cancer due to their exposure to it. At least two popular cases won against the company were those filed by Dewayne Johnson who was awarded $78 million as well as that of Edwin Hardeman, who was awarded more than $80 million. 

What is Roundup and how does it work?

Roundup is a brand of herbicide manufactured by Monsanto, a company acquired by Bayer in 2018.  Its main ingredients include isopropylamine salt of glyphosate and polyethoxylated tallow amine, a surfactant which is a compound that acts as an emulsifier or foaming agent. The herbicide kills weeds and grasses that overtake crops. It works by inhibiting a certain enzyme, EPSP synthase, which plants need to grow.  The absence of this enzyme makes plants turn yellow and eventually wither and die. Just as antibiotics kill bacteria, similarly, glyphosate kills plants.  With the popularity of Monsanto’s genetically engineered seeds that grow to become glyphosate-tolerant crops, also known as Roundup-ready crops, farmers and gardeners can use Roundup liberally in eradicating weeds and grasses. 

Usual Side Effects Due to Brief Exposure to Roundup 

These are some of the usual side effects after brief exposure to the herbicide:

  • It may cause eye and skin irritations.
  • It may cause nose and throat irritations due to spray mist inhalation.
  • It causes burns in the throat and mouth, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea in cases where it’s intentionally ingested. Animals exposed to the herbicide lose their appetite, drool, vomit and experience diarrhea.

What are the adverse effects when exposed to Roundup?

The popularity of Roundup was highly questioned because several studies showed that it has adverse effects like cancer. The International Agency on Research and Cancer (IARC) reported in 2015 that glyphosate is carcinogenic and may cause cancer according to studies made on glyphosate exposure among various countries.  Further, a February 2019 study by Luoping Zhang, a University of California toxicologist, showed that exposure to the herbicide was closely linked to an increased risk of contracting Non-Hodgkin lymphoma or NHL. 

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: What it is 

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a type of cancer that begins in the white blood cells, also known as lymphocytes which fight infections.  NHL usually originates in the lymph nodes and immune system cells that are found all over the body and connected by lymphatic vessels. It may also start in the spleen, bone marrow, tonsils, thymus, and digestive tract.  The two types of NHL are the B cells lymphoma and the T cells lymphoma. The former normally protect the body against bacteria by producing antibodies while the latter safeguard the immune system by destroying the body’s abnormal cells.

What are the ways that Roundup can cause cancer like NHL?

A person can be exposed to the herbicide through eye exposure, inhalation and skin exposure.  These are some of the ways with which Roundup can potentially cause cancer like NHL:

  • Proliferation of lymphocytes
  • Disruption of endocrine functions 
  • Creation of free radicals that damage cells and DNA 
  • Suppressing the immune system which in turn leads to tumor growth
  • Destruction of gut bacteria 
  • Damaged to the kidneys and pancreas 
  • Binds with calcium, zinc and magnesium resulting in its deficiency.

There is an increased risk of developing cancer like NHL if you use the herbicide for more than two days annually according to Dr. Dennis Weisenburger, a pathologist.  

How to get help if you contracted Non-Hodgkin lymphoma?

If you have contracted Non-Hodgkin lymphoma because of exposure to Roundup then it’s best to seek the help of lawyers that specialize in environmental litigation matters.  These lawyers will assist you in claiming compensation for the medical bills that you’ve incurred. The monetary compensation shall also include lost wages due to inability to work, economic loss as well as a monetary equivalent for the pain and suffering because of the diagnosis. 

The people who were mostly afflicted with NHL include the following: landscapers, gardeners, farmers, groundskeepers, and garden center/nursery workers.  Along with their families, these people who have contracted cancer such as NHL due to Roundup exposure are eligible for compensation. A period of 3 years is given to file for compensation after the NHL diagnosis. When reaching out to your compensation attorney or lawyer of choice, make sure that you provide your diagnosis papers to them so that they can assist you every step of the way. 

Benefits of Daily Contact Lenses

If you’re tired of wearing eyeglasses then daily contact lenses are a great option. Daily contact lenses allow you to have clear vision without the hassle. These single use lenses are worn and replaced daily.  They are comfortable to use and especially beneficial for people with an active lifestyle. 

Here are some facts on why you should consider daily contact lenses:

  • They are comfortable to wear. 
  • They are a healthy option.
  • They are better for dry eyes.

Why you should wear daily contact lenses

These are the common reasons why you should wear daily contact lenses:

  • You have an astigmatism or blurred vision.
  • You have corneal irregularities.
  • You are nearsighted. 
  • You are farsighted.
  • You have age-related loss of close-up vision.

The following are the benefits of using daily contact lenses:

  1. They are efficient and less expensive.

Due to the rising demand of daily contact lenses, more and more brands are introducing their own line of daily contact lenses. This results in lower prices because of the stiff competition and brands trying to attract more buyers. 

  • They reduce your risk of eye infection.

Daily contact lenses are sterile and reduce the risk of getting an infection.  Reusable lenses are more prone to bacteria and allergens.  This is not a problem when it comes to daily contact lenses since they are only used once and removed daily. 

  • They require regular eye check-ups.

The use of daily contact lenses requires you to have a current and updated prescription before you can purchase it.  A regular eye check-up is therefore needed and this means your eyes are being monitored regularly reducing the risk of an issue going undiagnosed. 

  • They are good for your eye health.

Daily contact lenses are good for your eye health compared versus reusable and longer-use contact lenses where airborne allergens tend to live and multiply.  Your eyes and tears also contain lipids and proteins that build up on reusable lenses resulting in infections. 

  • They are convenient.

Aside from protecting you from infections, daily contact lenses give you the convenience to either use them or your eyeglasses during the day.  It is convenient especially for people who have an active lifestyle. 

  • They provide allergy relief.

Daily contact lenses prevent allergies and infections. Having a fresh set of contact lenses means your eyes will be free from irritations and, ultimately, infections. 

While there are a lot of advantages that one can get from using daily contact lenses, there are some disadvantages that are worth knowing. These are the following:

  • Daily contact lenses are more expensive since they are replaced regularly.
  • Daily contact lenses create an amount of waste because they are disposed every day.

How to avoid complications when using daily contact lenses

These are the things to remember to avoid complications:

  • Make it a habit to remove the lenses before going to sleep.

Eye doctors advise contact lens wearers remove them every night just before going to sleep.  These are some of the reasons why:

  • Bacteria and amoeba may grow and multiply since the lens seals the cornea and traps fluid and, as a result, oxygen cannot reach the area. 
  • It results in dryness of the eyes.
  • Always practice good hygiene.

Make sure that your hands are clean each time you handle your contact lenses. Wash your hands using soap and water and dry them properly with a lint-free towel.

  • Always remove your lenses before taking a swim or using the hot tub.

Be sure to minimize the contact of water or saliva on your contact lenses.  Before taking a bath or before taking a swim, make sure to remove them. Also, don’t place the lens in your mouth to wet them.

  • Take extra care of lenses by using contact lens solutions.

Make sure that you use only sterile and commercially prepared contact lens solutions for your daily contact lenses. 

Aside from knowing the purpose and benefits of daily contact lenses, it’s good to know the types of contact lenses that are available nowadays. These are the following:

Soft contact lenses

These are the common choice among contact lens users since they are breathable, flexible and comfortable to use. Daily contact lenses are included in this category.  Other types of soft contact lenses include:

  • Two weekly disposable lenses
  • Monthly disposable lenses
  • Extended wear contact lenses

Gas permeable contact lenses (hard)

These contact lenses can be worn for a longer period of time and recommended for the following:

  • People who have eye conditions causing shape irregularity.
  • People who have astigmatism.
  • Soft lens users who want a sharper vision.

Colored contact lenses

These contact lenses are available in various shades and colors and can be worn as daily or monthly disposables.

It is vital you follow the instructions and to take precaution to keep things sterile.  Most importantly, they should always be removed at night to avoid eye infections. Using daily contact lenses is a popular choice especially among people who have an active lifestyle.  They have many advantages over eyeglasses and longer term contacts. 

Is a Dentist really necessary?

Having to visit your dentist once every six months may not be a priority for most, but it is an important appointment you should keep.  A regular dental visit usually includes an examination and oral cleaning. During check-up the dentist will look for any buildup of plaque and tartar and commence on cleaning thereafter. He examines the throat, tongue, gum and face checking for any swelling or redness that may be an indication of a possible problem. Other benefits of a regular visit to the dentist include:

  • Dentists are highly trained to check out for early signs of serious diseases such as oral cancer. 
  • Dentists take care of the plaque and tartar buildup in those hard-to-reach places. 
  • Regular appointments will take care of tooth decay causing cavities or erosion of the mouth’s gum tissue. 

Types of Dental Checkups 

Professional Dental Cleaning and flossing 

Professional cleaning of your teeth by the help of a certified oral hygienist is a critical part your general oral health. Dental professionals advise that having your teeth cleaned every 6-12 months reduces the chances of periodontal disease flair ups and buildup of tartar. 

Routine tooth cleaning is painless. It involves the dislodgment of tartar and the smoothening of the tooth’s surface. Done professionally, the individual scaling of the teeth is painless with no injury to the gum. Patients can be assured that the mild vibrations and the pressure from the hand-held smoother will not cause discomfort. 

Crowns and bridges 

Looking for a secure way to fill gaps and prevent further buildup of bacteria? Well, consider a professional dental crown or bridge. When done right, these are the best restorative prosthetic devices in the market. Bridges are lucrative to patients that have lost a tooth or in the case of jaw bone loss. During your regular checkup, your dentist will check on previously inserted bridges and implants keenly checking for their placement. 

Dentures and Cavities 

Cavities have to be the most prevalent disease of teeth. At the scheduled dentist visit, an X-Ray will be taken to detect any cavities between the different sets. 

Dental Transplants

Missing teeth can greatly affect your self-esteem. Fortunately, dental implants offer reprieve. They offer a strong foundation for both permanent and removable replacement sets. Patients will usually experience improved appearance, easier eating, improved speech and better overall dental health. 

Diseases Indicators 

A regular visit to your dentist will allow your dentist to perform diagnostic tests for diseases and biopsies. This could go a long way into rooting out any disorders that could result in chronic diseases. 

Optional/ Elective Services

Most common cosmetic dentistry procedures include: 


Want to improve your appearance? Want to change the color, shape, size and length of your teeth for that perfect smile? Well, consider visiting your dentist to get porcelain veneers. When done by an experienced cosmetic dentist, the veneers will not damage your teeth. With dental veneers, you no longer have to worry about cracked, chipped teeth with worn-out edges. 

Teeth whitening  

Teeth get discolored for a myriad of reasons. These can range from the intake of stain-causing food and drink to tobacco use and exposure to excessive fluoride in drinking water. Teeth whitening is conducted after the dislodgment of any plaque and tartar found on the tooth. This service is especially attractive to patients undergoing tobacco cessation with the best candidates being those with healthy, unrestored teeth. 

Inlays and On-lays 

Patients needing teeth strengthening after mild to moderate decay are advised to get inlays and on-lays. These will not only prevent further decay and deterioration but will also restore the shape.  

Facts about visiting a dentist 

  • Do not fret over the dental x-ray. These are relatively harmless with the radiation levels being negligible. 
  • Do not be embarrassed. Your dentist has probably seen it all. Do not be afraid of judgment over what your dentist may find. 
  • Pain level is not a guide on when you should visit the dentist. Notably, most oral problems do not result in pain unless they are critical. 

Interesting facts about dental hygiene 

  • There is a right way to use your toothpaste. The more contact the toothpaste has with your teeth, the more effective it will be. Brush for some time, spit out the foam and let the paste sit for half an hour then rinse it out. 
  • Certain medication may be the root of your dental problems. An aspirin a day or regular blood pressure medication may cause a spike in cavities. 
  • Ignoring your dental hygiene may result in even bigger problems. Studies have shown that ignoring tooth decay caused by harmful bacteria can elevate into a heart disease. This is because these bacteria travel to the bloodstream causing inflammation. 
  • Do not brush right after a meal. This is especially true for acidic foods as the acid may result in softening of the enamel. Wait for an hour or so before brushing. 

Invest in professional and regular dental visits and be well on your way to a brighter and healthier smile. 

Types of Dentures and Implants

A perfect smile never fails to attract attention. Each time we see a person with a great smile and perfect set of teeth he or she always evokes a good impression.  Having good oral health allows you to enjoy life to the hilt. Unfortunately, decay and cavities that lead to tooth extraction and missing teeth can’t be avoided entirely.  However, there’s no need for you to despair as there are dentures and implants to restore your confidence and perfect smile. 

What are Dentures?

Dentures are removable replacement teeth, also called false teeth. The design is made of either a plastic or metal plate and prosthetic teeth are attached to it. The size, shape, and color of the prosthetic teeth resemble your existing natural teeth. 

Types of Dentures

These are the three types of dentures that help replace missing teeth:

  1. Partial Dentures

These are removable dentures that are used when there are remaining natural teeth in the upper or lower jaw. This type of dentures is attached to a gum-colored plastic base and with a metal framework that holds it in place. Aside from replacing missing teeth, partial dentures also keep other teeth from shifting positions. 

  • Complete Dentures 

This type of dentures consists of a complete set, both on the upper and lower part and it’s best recommended for people who don’t have any natural teeth left. It has two kinds, conventional and immediate. Conventional dentures are made after teeth are removed and when gum tissue is already healed while immediate dentures are positioned as soon as teeth are removed. The immediate kind is usually used only as a temporary solution as it requires many adjustments to fit properly. 

  • Fixed Dentures 

This type of tooth replacement is surgically fixed in your mouth and includes implants and bridges. A fixed bridge is an artificial tooth cemented alongside the remaining natural teeth while an implant functions like an artificial tooth and surgically placed into the jawbone. 

Benefits of Dentures 

Dentures are a popular choice because it offers many advantages. These include:

  • Restores tooth function.

Dentures allow you to chew, bite your food and speak properly again since it functions just like natural teeth. 

  • Improves speech.

One of the struggles, when you have missing teeth, is the difficulty in pronouncing certain words and making the right sounds.  With dentures, you can enunciate words more clearly and your manner of speaking becomes normal again. 

  • Improves facial appearance.

Missing teeth results in a sagging face and make you look older way beyond your years. Dentures significantly uplift your face and you’ll look significantly younger as well. 

  • No dietary restrictions.

With no teeth to bite or chew your food on is definitely depressing and you’re sure to miss out on your favorite recipes.  Dentures solve this problem as it functions just like natural teeth and allows you to eat and enjoy your favorite food without restrictions.

  • It is durable.

Dentures can last from five to 10 years with proper care and maintenance. It’s basically long-lasting and durable. 

  • Restores confidence.

If you have missing teeth it has a great effect on your self-esteem. With dentures, your appearance will improve and it will also boost your confidence. 

What is a tooth implant?

Tooth or dental implants are Titanium metal posts which are positioned in the jawbone and with which replacement teeth can be mounted. The implants fuse with the jawbone and provide strong support for replacement teeth like dentures and bridges. 

Types of Tooth Implants 

These are the types of tooth implants which are recommended safe to use by the American Dental Association:

  • Endosteal implant

This type of implant is implanted directly into your jawbone and the most commonly used type by dentists. It requires a second surgery to connect a post to the original implant once the surrounding tissue has already healed.  On the second surgery, the artificial or replacement tooth is attached to the post. 

  • Subperiosteal implant

This implant is positioned under the gums, on or above your jawbone. This is the type that’s most recommended for patients who doesn’t have enough healthy jawbone and unwilling to undergo a bone augmentation surgery. 

Benefits of Tooth Implants

Just like dentures, there are many advantages with tooth implants. These are just some of them:

  1. It lasts for a lifetime.

Tooth implants are durable and could last for a lifetime with proper care. 

  • You’ll have improved oral health.

It improves your oral health as more of your natural teeth are left intact and not altered to support the implants. 

  • You can enjoy your food more.

Tooth implants function like your own natural teeth and allow you to enjoy your favorite food without restriction. 

  • Provides more comfort.

Since it’s placed permanently you’ll feel comfortable as compared to wearing removable dentures that tend to slip and fall from your mouth. 

  • Improves your appearance and speech. 

A tooth implant allows you to speak normally again and also improves your overall facial appearance.

What You Need to Know about Mesothelioma

The quest for a healthy and fit body is always a priority for everyone. We only have one physical body so we should take good care of it.  However, illnesses such as cancer can strike anytime, regardless of age, stature, and gender.  What’s scary is that cancer is still not totally treatable and while there are treatment options like chemotherapy, there is no total assurance that you can survive from it.  The common types of cancer include breast, colon and lung cancer but there are lesser known or rare types of cancer that are similarly dangerous like mesothelioma. 

What is Mesothelioma?

This type of cancer happens in the lining that extends over the outer surface of the internal organs or mesothelium.  These are some of the types of mesothelioma by location:

  • Pleural mesothelioma – cancer of the protective lining of the lungs or pleura
  • Pericardial mesothelioma  – cancer of the protective lining of the heart
  • Peritoneal mesothelioma – cancer of the protective lining of the abdomen 
  • Testicular mesothelioma – cancer of the membrane lining of the testes 

Causes of Mesothelioma 

The primary cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos, which is a mineral naturally found around us.  Asbestos is widely used in brakes, shingles, insulation and in construction which puts people such as construction workers at great risk. Its microscopic fibers penetrate the lungs and other vital issues of the body, eventually leading to mesothelioma which typically develops at least 20 years after one is exposed to asbestos.  Some of the people with higher risk of contracting mesothelioma include electricians, plumbers, brake mechanics, shipyard workers, home remodelers and pipefitters. There’s also a greater chance that you’ll have mesothelioma if you have a family history of this type of cancer and if you were exposed to chest radiation therapy.

Symptoms of Mesothelioma 

Unlike other types of cancer, the symptoms of mesothelioma gradually develop over a period of years after asbestos exposure. These include:

  1. Pleural mesothelioma – painful coughing, pain in the chest, unexplained weight loss, tissue lumps under the skin of your chest, loss of appetite, swollen fingertips 
  2. Peritoneal mesothelioma – abdominal pain and swelling, nausea and unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite, diarrhea or constipation 
  3. Pericardial mesothelioma –  heart palpitations, cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain, fever 
  4. Testicular mesothelioma – pain in the testes or groin, inflammation and cyst of the epididymis, lump or mass in the testicles, excess fluid in the scrotum 

How is mesothelioma diagnosed?

These are the procedures that are made to determine if you have mesothelioma:

  • X-ray of your suspected internal organ like the chest or lungs
  • CT scan
  • Fluid drainage – done by inserting a needle through the skin to get a fluid sample for analysis
  • Laparoscopy –  done by inserting a thin camera through a small incision in your chest or lungs to obtain a tissue sample for biopsy and analysis 

Possible Treatments for Mesothelioma 

While there is still no known cure for cancer, there are some possible treatments for mesothelioma. These include chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery.  

How to find legal representation, file a claim and get reimbursed if you have mesothelioma 

If you contracted mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure in your workplace, then you should seek the help of an asbestos attorney or mesothelioma lawyer.  These are some of the qualities that you should look out for in searching for the right one:

  1. He/she should have empathy and who listens and understands what you and your family are experiencing.
  2. He/ she should be an expert in the field of asbestos litigation. 
  3. He/she should be experienced and has a vast experience when it comes to mesothelioma lawsuits.
  4. He/she should be comprehensive and collects vast resources and information to come up with a viable and strong case. 

There are at least five options when filing for a mesothelioma claim and these are:

  1. Mesothelioma personal injury claim – You can file for this type of claim if you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma. This claim aims to seek compensation for loss of income, pain and suffering and medical expenses. 
  2. Asbestos bankruptcy fund claim – You can file for this type if the company responsible for your mesothelioma has filed for bankruptcy but still has money in a trust fund.  Your mesothelioma lawyer will assist you in going through the claims process so you’ll be compensated. 
  3. Wrongful death claim – This type of claim may be filed if you have a family member who died due to mesothelioma. It aims to assist the bereaved family to secure funeral and burial costs as well as medical expenses. 
  4. Veterans’ benefits claim – This type is intended for military personnel who were diagnosed with mesothelioma.  
  5. Workers’ compensation claim – You can file for this type of claim and entitled to compensation benefits if you contracted mesothelioma while on the job and had to quit work after the diagnosis. 

What You Need to Know About Addiction Recovery

We’re always meant to believe that everything should be taken with moderation. This applies particularly on what we eat or drink and even medication.  But what happens when you over-indulge in alcohol or even drugs? Addiction is a serious threat that poses a lot of risks to the person involved. It could also result in discord when it comes to an addicted person’s relationships with his family, friends, and colleagues. 

Signs of alcohol or drug addiction

These are some of the commonly-observed symptoms of alcohol or drug addiction:

  • Noticeable weight loss or weight gain 
  • Bruises and marks in the body 
  • Red and glazed eyes
  • Hyperactive and talkative 
  • Has need marks on arms or legs
  • Has an unusual odor 
  • Not concerned with his/her hygiene and personal appearance. 

How to deal with a loved one’s alcohol or drug addiction 

If you suspect that a loved one is becoming addicted to alcohol or drugs, there are useful ways you can help them deal with it:

  • Acknowledge and recognize the signs.

It’s best to acknowledge and accept the fact that your loved one has an addiction based on the signs that they manifest.  By doing so, you’ll be more receptive to what to do to help them. 

  • Take notice of your own behavior.

If you’ve been making excuses for your loved one’s behavioral changes then you should put that in check. You can’t help them with their problem if you try to conceal it from everyone. 

  • Detach yourself from your loved one experiencing an addiction but do it with love. 

Always remember that what your loved one is experiencing is not your fault and that you have no control over it. Make it a point to stay detached but with good intention.

  • Try to see if there are other mental issues concerned.

There may be other underlying factors for a loved one’s addiction such as mental disorders or depression, so make sure that it’s taken into consideration.

  • Never judge. 

Alcohol or drug addiction is like a disease or affliction that is treatable but can also be life-threatening. Don’t judge a loved one and instead be sure to reach out and be willing to help them overcome it.

  • Have your loved one undergo professional assessment if he/she is willing to get professional help.

Show your loved one that you care for them by helping them get professional help.  A professional assessment is helpful to determine the right treatment and to clearly assess the underlying problems. 

Steps toward addiction recovery 

If you’re going through an alcohol or drug addiction, here are the steps toward achieving recovery:

  1. Admission is key.

Most people who experience addiction may have difficulty in admitting that they have a problem.  It takes a strong will and the commitment to become a better person. Admitting that you have an addiction is the first step you can do to help yourself.

  • Search for support.

If you resolve to end your addiction and embark on a journey towards recovery, it’s important to have a support group or it could be in the form of a friend, a doctor and a relative.  A support system allows you to have someone to talk to while finding your way towards a better you. 

  • Undergo detoxification.

This isn’t an easy step as it also depends how severe your addiction is. However, detoxification is a vital step in starting your journey toward a clean start.  

  • Be ready for post-withdrawal behavior changes.

The post-acute withdrawal syndrome can be daunting but with a support system, a person undergoing it will be able to overcome it in no time at all.  The withdrawal behavior changes may include panic, anxiety, easily irritated, sleeping trouble, depression and inability to concentrate. 

  • Look for a new routine.

Break old habits leading to your addiction by finding new routines. If you start to experience relapse and yearning again for alcohol or drugs try to indulge in sports or fitness workouts and even a new hobby like arts and crafts. 

  • Resolve to put your life in order.

You don’t want to go back in a rut so make it a point to put your life in its proper order. Being determined and committed to start a new and reformed life is very essential. 

  • Avoid going back to your addiction.

An important thing to consider is vigilance to avoid going back to your addiction again. Be aware of the consequences should you experience a relapse. 

Centers for recovery and how they help with recovery and rehabilitation from drug and alcohol addiction 

 There are various alcohol and drug addiction recovery centers to help you or your loved ones. Most types of facilities range from traditional to gender-specific, luxury, holistic and teen-specific.  Here are some of the better known and recognized recovery centers across the US:

  • Hazelden Betty Ford 

The institution has various treatment centers in the east and west coast area and recommends at least 3 months of residential treatment. It has a reported recovery rate of 80% and has a complete staff treatment team of various disciplines. It uses evidence-based treatment as well as traditional and specialized programs for its patients. 

  • The Maryland Center for Addiction Treatment 

This recovery center caters to patients battling alcohol and drug addiction. It provides patients with world-class treatment and has a team of trained and experienced psychiatrists, nurses, primary therapists, and master clinicians. It offers five-star facility features including 140 brand new beds and in-patient as well as out-patient treatment. 

  • Origins Recovery Center 

This Texas-based recovery center offers comprehensive alcohol and drug addiction treatment and provides one to three months recovery programs for its patients and this includes life skills training and fitness activities to ensure holistic recovery.  Their treatment step-down strategy allows the patients to fall into relapse and to reintegrate their lives successfully.

  • The Caron Foundation 

This globally-recognized non-profit foundation has treatment centers in Florida, Texas and Pennsylvania and uses a comprehensive treatment approach. This recovery center uses the 12-step method and relapse program and collaborates with research organizations such as the Treatment Research Institute. 

Health Care Options in the U.S.

Health care institutions of the US are represented by various associations. Many health care clinics are privately owned, and only 21% of them belong to the government. As reported by the world health organization, the US is the leader of the world’s spend on health care in comparison to any other country in the world. The US healthcare system stands out among other progressive countries of the world. It is one of the rare countries, which doesn’t have a universal health care system. Additionally, the US has no universal health care insurance, and they recently enacted regulation, making health care coverage mandatory for almost every citizen.

A high price is one of the main reasons why most Americans find it troublesome to access a decent health service. Those who have a relatively low income have declared that they prefer not to:

  • visit a doctor when they feel sick
  • get a test when recommended
  • have a routine dental checkup
  • fill a prescription

A health maintenance organization now requires anyone to select a PCP – primary care provider – a physician who practices general medicine and will be a gatekeeper for the patient. As a rule, they are the first to be visited in case of an undiagnosed disease and in order to get further instructions. They collect primary symptoms, provide a physical examination and treat common illnesses. In case of a serious disease, they direct the patient to a certain specialist and provide the list of necessary procedures to follow (e.g.: blood tests, scannings, etc.). After all necessary data is collected, the PCP comes up with a diagnosis and recommendations on treatment, diet, and general patient’s habits for correction.

Before You Start Any Health Care Plan

Before you choose any program, take your time to read the policy description and pay attention to the details. Don’t hesitate to ask as many questions as possible, until you clearly understand your coverage.

Ask your agent the following questions:

  • Can I select any doctor, pharmacy or hospital for my personal preference?
  • Does the plan cover 100% of all my prescribed medication?
  • Does the insurance cover dentists’, dermatologists’ and eye doctors’ services?
  • According to my plan, are special conditions covered (e.g.: psychiatric care, physical therapy or pregnancy)?
  • Is home care covered by this insurance plan?
  • Do I have to make any co-payments?
  • Are there any disputes about bills and services? How are they regulated?
  • What is the maximum sum I have to pay to cover costs out of pocket?
  • What is the percentage of deductibles?

N.B.: Deductibles mean a certain amount of money a patient pays before the insurance company pays their claim. Do not confuse deductibles with co-payments. These are the payments you make when you get a prescription or receive medical services.

Which Health Insurance Plan to Choose

Below the most popular insurance programs. At first glance, their names may seem to be an alphabet soup, but after a few minutes of analysis, you will realize the main differences between them and the essential benefits of each plan.


Health Maintenance Organization plans offer a wide choice of services for patients. You are likely to be insured for a wide range of health services as compared to other coverage plans. As soon as you subscribe to their services, you will have to choose a Primary Care Physician (PCP), who will generally take care of your treatment and prescriptions. Other specialists are available only after receiving a referral from your PCP.

Generally, those who opt for this kind of insurance, have lower expenses and minimal co-payments. You are not obliged to submit your own claims to the insurance company. Please note you will not receive coverage if you use services of an out-of-network professional or if you get any service without your physician’s recommendation.


Preferred Provider Organization plan is a type of insurance with “preferred” providers within your location. They will not obligate you to choose a PCP and you will not need a referral for seeing a specialist. Here you will only have to pay a certain amount of a total bill according to your plan. In case you visit a specialist out of the recommended network, you will pay a larger part of your final bill than you would have to pay if you visited a preferred doctor in your network. But still, a certain percentage of your expenses will be covered. Co-payments for services generally vary between $10 and $30.


Point of Service is a combination of two plans: HMO and PPO. Here, you will have to get a referral from a physician to receive any special treatment. But, you will get more coverage in case you visit hospitals and doctors within your network. You will, however, be less insured if you get any service form the providers out of your network. You may also have additional co-payments and deductibles on a yearly basis.


Exclusive Provider Network also has some similarities with PPO and HMO plans. As a rule, EPO is a more flexible plan than an HMO, and it is cheaper than a PPO. When you stick to this type of insurance, keep in mind that you don’t need PCP’s referrals. As with an HMO, you will have to pay out of your own pocket if you choose a doctor who provides services outside of your network. EPO is a great option if you want to see a specialist without a referral from your general physician.

Other Items to Consider

Other specific plans include Long-Term Care service (LTC). This is valuable for older people concerned about potential chronic illnesses.

Catastrophic Health plans are aimed to support people in case of unexpected health issues in case of an emergency.

People with disabilities can take advantage of special government programs to get help with their health needs. These programs differ depending on the location, so it is necessary to consult local officials for more information.

Caring for Contact Lenses

Contacts are an excellent alternative for anyone looking to drop the glasses. They are safe, provide ease on eye strain and simplify life. It’s a lot easier to take part in athletics, deal with the heat and the cold and to sit in the steam room!

Here’s some useful information on the different contact lens options:

The first consideration when choosing the contact lens and deciding on their care procedure should be the material. Based on the material, there are 5 different types of lenses:

Soft Contact Lenses

These are made from gel-like water containing plastics referred to as hydrogel. They happen to be the most popular option worldwide. The hydrogel allows oxygen to pass through to the eye. They are available in both the replaceable and extended-wear versions. Wearers enjoy very short adaptation period, making them comfortable in a short period of time. They allow wearers to maintain active lifestyles as well as they are hard to dislodge. To care for these, water content in lenses must be high. This will ensure enough oxygen gets to your eyes while maintaining good eye health. A disadvantage that these have is they wear out fast and must be replaced periodically. Additionally, the optics is not as sharp as other lenses in the market.

Hard Contact Lenses / Rigid Gas Permeable lenses

These are made of more durable plastic and allow efficient transfer of oxygen to the eye. Wearers enjoy sharper vision than with the soft contact lenses due to their rigidity. They are fairly durable, correct a wide range of vision problems and are cost-effective. They are a bit smaller compared to the soft contact lenses and move around in the eye. This is a disadvantage as debris and dust can easily get caught up beneath it. Additionally, they require consistent wear to maintain adaptation.

Silicone Hydrogen Lenses

These are an advanced type of the soft contact lenses allowing for more oxygen to get to the eye.

Hybrid Contact Lenses

These are designed for superior comfort. They rival the traditional soft and silicone hydrogen lenses as wearers get crystal-clear vision. At the center, these hybrid contact lenses have a rigid gas permeable zone surrounded by silicone hydrogen material. For this reason, they are considered more expensive than the traditional soft contact lenses.

PMMA Lenses

These are made of polymethyl methacrylate which is a transparent rigid plastic material. They offer wearers superior optics but fail to allow oxygen to get to the eye.


Other types of lenses include:

Single Vision Lenses

These are prescribed to correct specific vision problems especially distant vision problems.

Toric Lenses

These are contact lenses shaped in a specific way to help with astigmatism. Their shape makes it possible for wearers to have different focusing powers on vertical and horizontal orientation.

Multifocal/Progressive/Varifocal Contact Lenses

These are designed for wearers suffering from presbyopia.


Monthly lenses were the most popular contact lenses when contacts were first released. They are replaced on a monthly or bi-weekly basis. Being thicker, they are more durable and long-lasting and are more resistant to drying out. These were soon phased out by more comfortable and quality lenses. Daily lenses are one of these. They are worn only for a day and discarded when you remove them. Natural deposits from the eye build up on their surface making it impossible to wear them again.

When compared to prescribed eyeglasses, contact lenses are not cheap. On average, a pair would cost an average of $196 although this could go higher depending on the style and prescription type. Astigmatism contact lenses could cost up to $400 a year while daily disposable contact lenses, dailies, cost $375 per year. These prices do not include the costs of contact solutions. These contact solutions include, multipurpose solution, hydrogen peroxide solution and specialty eye drops to name a few. According to InsiderEnvy these cost up to $140 on average per solution.


Caring for Reusable or Temporary Contact Lenses

Caring for your contact lenses is as simple as ensuring they are correctly stored away. Additionally, use the correct solution each night or after every use. It is advised that the wearer should rinse them off every time before placing them in to the eye. A regular care routine is washing your hands before touching the lens, cleaning each lens one at a time using the recommended cleaning fluid. Recommended cleaning solutions are typically saline. This should be used to rinse and store the contact lenses with heat and UV disinfection systems. These should be used together with enzymatic cleaning tablets to improve the life of your reusable lenses. It is advisable never to reuse or top up an old solution as this exposes you to infections.

Vision Insurance

A vision insurance policy may or may not be included with your individual health insurance plan or an employer health insurance plan. Either way, a vision insurance policy is essential as it can help you pay the expenses involved with eye care including getting new contact lenses or glasses. Depending on the policy you go for, you may get an expanded vision benefit including eye surgery procedure (LASIK), replacement of lost or stolen prescription lenses or frames, vision therapy, examinations and prescription. Notably, vision insurance policies are inexpensive. They may cost as little as $3 to $75 per month depending on the coverage.


It is difficult to see through scuffed and scratched lenses. Contact lenses can be especially uncomfortable when not correctly maintained and may result in further vision problems and complications. Your care procedure should be based on the type of lenses whether prescribed or not and the duration of use. But, the maintenance is worth it if you want to simplify your life, take part in athletics and enjoy the freedom they bring!

The Best Pest Control Options

Pests are in many households in the United States, where people are always struggling to control them because they are either a nuisance, transmit diseases or even sting. Homeowners are facing the problem of having pests in their homes where at first they think it is not a major issue but after causing major damages, that is when they understand the harm they can cause. Some pests cause serious damages to the house structure making it weak and posing the danger of the structure going down. The most common pests in the U.S. are the ants, bedbugs, flea, cockroach, boxelder bug, dust mite, fly, mice and many more.

U.S. homeowners should be wary of the method they are using to get rid of the pest due to health issues. First, you have to identify the pest to be able to determine the best way to get rid of it. Second, you can limit their numbers by getting rid of things that make them increase in number. Third, call a pest control service to resolve the issue once and for all. Having pests in your home does not mean that the home is not well cared for, this is common in many houses in the U.S.

Here are the best ways homeowners can control pests in their homes.

Remove any stagnant water.

Rodents and Insects need water for their survival, getting rid of stagnant water helps a lot in fighting with pests. Pests like mosquitoes survive well in stagnant water where they can multiply into different species and go through their full cycle. Removing this water can drastically reduce the number of mosquitoes near your home. The female mosquitoes, which are the only ones that bite, lay their eggs on standing water because they can easily float. If the water cannot be easily removed from the surroundings, it can be treated using Bacillus thurigiensis var israelensis( Bt-i).Areas like bathrooms and kitchens should always be kept dry so that the pest cannot find a place to get water. All pipes that are leaking should be fixed to avoid stagnation of water which acts as a breeding place for the pest. Always ensure that all water vessels in the house are covered to minimize pest existence. Out in the garden, ensure that trays placed under plants do not collect water which can also be a breeding place for pests.

Maintain high levels of cleanliness in your home and place food into containers that have lids.

Pests like flies, cockroaches eat on any crumbs they find in the kitchen. Fruit flies are drawn mostly by ripe fruits that have not been kept well and mealy moths are mostly found on unsealed grains. Kitchen cabinets should be cleaned regularly by wiping the splatters and dust once in a while, this will keep the kitchen clean and keep the pests away. All waste from the kitchen should be disposed of daily so as to ensure there is nothing that the pests can eat and also a breeding place. Regularly use soap and water to clean any spills on the countertops or on cooking devices like the toaster. If you cannot manage to clean your dishes every day, submerge them in soapy water until you are able to clean them.

Seal all the holes in your home that pests can use to get access to your home.

Pests can use holes to enter your house. Sealing the holes that they can use to access to the house can be extremely beneficial in keeping them away. Get rid of many entries points especially those that are likely to be used by the pest to access the house. Pests like roaches, spiders, ants, and even small wildlife can enter the house through a torn screen, openings around pipes or faucets, unsealed window or door or even crack on the wall. Sealing all these entries can bring a major difference in controlling pests in your house.

Look for the best pest control services in the U.S.

When you have done all of the above, and the pests are still dominating your house, it is now time to get help from pest control services providers. In the U.S., you will find companies offering these services where all the staff are trained on how to deal with different household pests. When these experts arrive, the first thing they will do is check the entry point of the pests and give you advice on what is to be done. they will also examine the yard to see if there are areas of concern for the future pest invasion. They will look for moist places around your house that harbor and attract pests or use a flashlight and other tools to check areas that can pose a danger in future. They will then put together an official report so that the information collected with help the fight with the pests easily and completely, where they will make sure that you are well informed about what is happening in your house.

Pest control in the household is very essential because when they invade your house they can cause health risks. Some insects can bring severe allergic reactions which can lead to death (often when one is stung by the insect). This calls for homeowners to take necessary action to protect their house from insects through the best ways possible. Pests that don’t bite or sting also trigger allergic reactions to some people and they include dust mites and cockroaches. Saliva shed skin, and insect droppings can also bring allergy mostly to individuals suffering from asthma but depends on how sensitive the person is. Keeping your house free from pests is one way of ensuring that you and your family are safe from harm that can be caused by these pests. Make a habit of visiting pest control professionals for advice on how to keep your house pest free.

Common Allergy Symptoms and How to Alleviate Them

For those of you who have fought with allergies the fact that having an allergic reaction to something can be life altering is common knowledge. However, many people do not know that allergies can be obtained throughout life. It is not something people are only born with. Every year more types of allergies are being discovered. This is why we we will help you sort out the types of allergic reactions and how to recognize them. Furthermore, we will discuss possible triggers but also the best treatment in the case of a serious allergic reaction.

Most Common Allergy Types

There are numerous types of allergies. We will try to sort them into categories according to the triggers behind them. Respiratory allergies can be caused by many things such as mold, dust, pollen, or being in contact with a pet such as a cat or a dog. Another type is food allergy, that can be caused by intake of particular nutrients found in different food items. Being allergic to something can change one’s life, but this type of allergy is one of the most difficult one to live with since people are not always in the position to check the ingredients of the meal they are eating. Allergic reactions can be caused by milk, soy, egg, wheat, peanuts, cashew, seafood like shellfish, and more. Listed here are just the most common food types that are known to cause allergies, but if you suspect that another ingredient is causing you an allergic reaction, contact your doctor as soon as possible. Skin allergies are the ones where the cause of the allergic reaction was previously in contact with skin surface. Plants like poison ivy, bee sting, different skin care products and makeup are just some of the examples of the things that can cause allergic reactions on your skin. We can also point out the possible eye allergies that are manifested as red and teary eyes. Some people can also develop drug allergies, and should avoid particular medicines.

Most Common Allergy Symptoms

If you are suffering from one of the above mentioned allergy types, then you are familiar with the many ways an allergic reaction can manifest itself. It is possible to mistake an allergic reaction for a common flu, asthma, or another disease. A Running nose and sneezing can be effects of an allergic reaction, which usually occurs due to respiratory allergies. These symptoms can be mistaken with a cold, but if caused by a repetitive behavior around a certain substance they are a likely allergy. Furthermore, if you are feeling short of breath, or you are experiencing coughing fits in particular situations, or during a certain season, you could be having an allergic reaction. Rash, or redness of the skin is one of the most usual allergic symptoms indicating skin allergies. Symptoms of food allergies can come in the form of vomiting and nausea, and many mistake them with food poisoning. Also fever, headache and tiredness can point to certain allergies but they too get mistaken with other conditions.

Most Common Triggers for Allergic Reactions

It is important to know what can cause an allergic reaction, or at least be familiar with the most common sources. As we have mentioned before, there are many types of different allergies, and many still surfacing, thus the types of triggers are plentiful. The triggers of an allergic reaction can be: inhaling pollen from plants, mold, dust; being in the presence of a pet (most common are cat and dog allergies); drinking or eating a certain type of food such as milk, wheat, or nuts; having a skin contact with particular plants such as poison ivy, or certain cosmetics products that are used in everyday skin care; being bitten by an insect such as a wasp or a bee. If you are experiencing an allergic reaction and have encountered one of the above symptoms, contact your nearest medic for more help.

Best Ways to Treat an Allergy

Previously we have mentioned triggers that are best known to cause allergic reactions. It is crucial to know what is causing the issue so you can avoid recurrence. If an allergic reaction occurs, the safest thing to do is contact a doctor immediately to consult on what medicine that is required. Depending on the type of allergy you are suffering, different medicines can be prescribed such as antihistamines, different nasal sprays, eye drops or decongestants. But, for many people living with allergies the most important thing we can do is make sure we create a safe and healthy environment. Making sure to close doors and windows, and trying to avoid outdoor activities during pollen season, can be helpful with respiratory allergies. Air filters also prove useful in removing potential allergies in your environment. Probiotics are also a good way to alleviate certain allergy symptoms caused by food allergies.

Allergies come in different forms and shapes, and can be triggered by many things. If you have reason to believe you might be allergic to something your next step is calling you doctor and addressing the issue as soon as possible.