What You Need to Know About Addiction Recovery

We’re always meant to believe that everything should be taken with moderation. This applies particularly on what we eat or drink and even medication.  But what happens when you over-indulge in alcohol or even drugs? Addiction is a serious threat that poses a lot of risks to the person involved. It could also result in discord when it comes to an addicted person’s relationships with his family, friends, and colleagues. 

Signs of alcohol or drug addiction

These are some of the commonly-observed symptoms of alcohol or drug addiction:

  • Noticeable weight loss or weight gain 
  • Bruises and marks in the body 
  • Red and glazed eyes
  • Hyperactive and talkative 
  • Has need marks on arms or legs
  • Has an unusual odor 
  • Not concerned with his/her hygiene and personal appearance. 

How to deal with a loved one’s alcohol or drug addiction 

If you suspect that a loved one is becoming addicted to alcohol or drugs, there are useful ways you can help them deal with it:

  • Acknowledge and recognize the signs.

It’s best to acknowledge and accept the fact that your loved one has an addiction based on the signs that they manifest.  By doing so, you’ll be more receptive to what to do to help them. 

  • Take notice of your own behavior.

If you’ve been making excuses for your loved one’s behavioral changes then you should put that in check. You can’t help them with their problem if you try to conceal it from everyone. 

  • Detach yourself from your loved one experiencing an addiction but do it with love. 

Always remember that what your loved one is experiencing is not your fault and that you have no control over it. Make it a point to stay detached but with good intention.

  • Try to see if there are other mental issues concerned.

There may be other underlying factors for a loved one’s addiction such as mental disorders or depression, so make sure that it’s taken into consideration.

  • Never judge. 

Alcohol or drug addiction is like a disease or affliction that is treatable but can also be life-threatening. Don’t judge a loved one and instead be sure to reach out and be willing to help them overcome it.

  • Have your loved one undergo professional assessment if he/she is willing to get professional help.

Show your loved one that you care for them by helping them get professional help.  A professional assessment is helpful to determine the right treatment and to clearly assess the underlying problems. 

Steps toward addiction recovery 

If you’re going through an alcohol or drug addiction, here are the steps toward achieving recovery:

  1. Admission is key.

Most people who experience addiction may have difficulty in admitting that they have a problem.  It takes a strong will and the commitment to become a better person. Admitting that you have an addiction is the first step you can do to help yourself.

  • Search for support.

If you resolve to end your addiction and embark on a journey towards recovery, it’s important to have a support group or it could be in the form of a friend, a doctor and a relative.  A support system allows you to have someone to talk to while finding your way towards a better you. 

  • Undergo detoxification.

This isn’t an easy step as it also depends how severe your addiction is. However, detoxification is a vital step in starting your journey toward a clean start.  

  • Be ready for post-withdrawal behavior changes.

The post-acute withdrawal syndrome can be daunting but with a support system, a person undergoing it will be able to overcome it in no time at all.  The withdrawal behavior changes may include panic, anxiety, easily irritated, sleeping trouble, depression and inability to concentrate. 

  • Look for a new routine.

Break old habits leading to your addiction by finding new routines. If you start to experience relapse and yearning again for alcohol or drugs try to indulge in sports or fitness workouts and even a new hobby like arts and crafts. 

  • Resolve to put your life in order.

You don’t want to go back in a rut so make it a point to put your life in its proper order. Being determined and committed to start a new and reformed life is very essential. 

  • Avoid going back to your addiction.

An important thing to consider is vigilance to avoid going back to your addiction again. Be aware of the consequences should you experience a relapse. 

Centers for recovery and how they help with recovery and rehabilitation from drug and alcohol addiction 

 There are various alcohol and drug addiction recovery centers to help you or your loved ones. Most types of facilities range from traditional to gender-specific, luxury, holistic and teen-specific.  Here are some of the better known and recognized recovery centers across the US:

  • Hazelden Betty Ford 

The institution has various treatment centers in the east and west coast area and recommends at least 3 months of residential treatment. It has a reported recovery rate of 80% and has a complete staff treatment team of various disciplines. It uses evidence-based treatment as well as traditional and specialized programs for its patients. 

  • The Maryland Center for Addiction Treatment 

This recovery center caters to patients battling alcohol and drug addiction. It provides patients with world-class treatment and has a team of trained and experienced psychiatrists, nurses, primary therapists, and master clinicians. It offers five-star facility features including 140 brand new beds and in-patient as well as out-patient treatment. 

  • Origins Recovery Center 

This Texas-based recovery center offers comprehensive alcohol and drug addiction treatment and provides one to three months recovery programs for its patients and this includes life skills training and fitness activities to ensure holistic recovery.  Their treatment step-down strategy allows the patients to fall into relapse and to reintegrate their lives successfully.

  • The Caron Foundation 

This globally-recognized non-profit foundation has treatment centers in Florida, Texas and Pennsylvania and uses a comprehensive treatment approach. This recovery center uses the 12-step method and relapse program and collaborates with research organizations such as the Treatment Research Institute.