What You Need to Know About Addiction Recovery

We’re always meant to believe that everything should be taken with moderation. This applies particularly on what we eat or drink and even medication.  But what happens when you over-indulge in alcohol or even drugs? Addiction is a serious threat that poses a lot of risks to the person involved. It could also result in discord when it comes to an addicted person’s relationships with his family, friends, and colleagues. 

Signs of alcohol or drug addiction

These are some of the commonly-observed symptoms of alcohol or drug addiction:

  • Noticeable weight loss or weight gain 
  • Bruises and marks in the body 
  • Red and glazed eyes
  • Hyperactive and talkative 
  • Has need marks on arms or legs
  • Has an unusual odor 
  • Not concerned with his/her hygiene and personal appearance. 

How to deal with a loved one’s alcohol or drug addiction 

If you suspect that a loved one is becoming addicted to alcohol or drugs, there are useful ways you can help them deal with it:

  • Acknowledge and recognize the signs.

It’s best to acknowledge and accept the fact that your loved one has an addiction based on the signs that they manifest.  By doing so, you’ll be more receptive to what to do to help them. 

  • Take notice of your own behavior.

If you’ve been making excuses for your loved one’s behavioral changes then you should put that in check. You can’t help them with their problem if you try to conceal it from everyone. 

  • Detach yourself from your loved one experiencing an addiction but do it with love. 

Always remember that what your loved one is experiencing is not your fault and that you have no control over it. Make it a point to stay detached but with good intention.

  • Try to see if there are other mental issues concerned.

There may be other underlying factors for a loved one’s addiction such as mental disorders or depression, so make sure that it’s taken into consideration.

  • Never judge. 

Alcohol or drug addiction is like a disease or affliction that is treatable but can also be life-threatening. Don’t judge a loved one and instead be sure to reach out and be willing to help them overcome it.

  • Have your loved one undergo professional assessment if he/she is willing to get professional help.

Show your loved one that you care for them by helping them get professional help.  A professional assessment is helpful to determine the right treatment and to clearly assess the underlying problems. 

Steps toward addiction recovery 

If you’re going through an alcohol or drug addiction, here are the steps toward achieving recovery:

  1. Admission is key.

Most people who experience addiction may have difficulty in admitting that they have a problem.  It takes a strong will and the commitment to become a better person. Admitting that you have an addiction is the first step you can do to help yourself.

  • Search for support.

If you resolve to end your addiction and embark on a journey towards recovery, it’s important to have a support group or it could be in the form of a friend, a doctor and a relative.  A support system allows you to have someone to talk to while finding your way towards a better you. 

  • Undergo detoxification.

This isn’t an easy step as it also depends how severe your addiction is. However, detoxification is a vital step in starting your journey toward a clean start.  

  • Be ready for post-withdrawal behavior changes.

The post-acute withdrawal syndrome can be daunting but with a support system, a person undergoing it will be able to overcome it in no time at all.  The withdrawal behavior changes may include panic, anxiety, easily irritated, sleeping trouble, depression and inability to concentrate. 

  • Look for a new routine.

Break old habits leading to your addiction by finding new routines. If you start to experience relapse and yearning again for alcohol or drugs try to indulge in sports or fitness workouts and even a new hobby like arts and crafts. 

  • Resolve to put your life in order.

You don’t want to go back in a rut so make it a point to put your life in its proper order. Being determined and committed to start a new and reformed life is very essential. 

  • Avoid going back to your addiction.

An important thing to consider is vigilance to avoid going back to your addiction again. Be aware of the consequences should you experience a relapse. 

Centers for recovery and how they help with recovery and rehabilitation from drug and alcohol addiction 

 There are various alcohol and drug addiction recovery centers to help you or your loved ones. Most types of facilities range from traditional to gender-specific, luxury, holistic and teen-specific.  Here are some of the better known and recognized recovery centers across the US:

  • Hazelden Betty Ford 

The institution has various treatment centers in the east and west coast area and recommends at least 3 months of residential treatment. It has a reported recovery rate of 80% and has a complete staff treatment team of various disciplines. It uses evidence-based treatment as well as traditional and specialized programs for its patients. 

  • The Maryland Center for Addiction Treatment 

This recovery center caters to patients battling alcohol and drug addiction. It provides patients with world-class treatment and has a team of trained and experienced psychiatrists, nurses, primary therapists, and master clinicians. It offers five-star facility features including 140 brand new beds and in-patient as well as out-patient treatment. 

  • Origins Recovery Center 

This Texas-based recovery center offers comprehensive alcohol and drug addiction treatment and provides one to three months recovery programs for its patients and this includes life skills training and fitness activities to ensure holistic recovery.  Their treatment step-down strategy allows the patients to fall into relapse and to reintegrate their lives successfully.

  • The Caron Foundation 

This globally-recognized non-profit foundation has treatment centers in Florida, Texas and Pennsylvania and uses a comprehensive treatment approach. This recovery center uses the 12-step method and relapse program and collaborates with research organizations such as the Treatment Research Institute. 

How Online Auto Insurance Works In the U.S.

Auto insurance is a necessity for any household. Not only is it required by law but also coverages you in the case of medical bills and property damage.  In an attempt to remain competitive in the digital age, auto insurance companies have taken their businesses online providing automobile owners flexible and reasonable rates. A simple online search for a car insurance quote results in: paid ads by insurers including Geico, State Farm, Allstate and Progressive, third party companies specializing in contract negotiations and local businesses offering rate comparisons. We explore why you should consider an online auto insurance, how to get an online auto insurance quote and things you should look out for. 

Why choose an online auto insurance provider

  • It is relatively cheap. You can choose your coverage, source for quotations, make payments and compare coverages all in the comfort of your home. It is especially attractive to people with fewer assets needing less-complicated coverages, and who are price-sensitive. 
  • Choosing the online platform avails to you unbiased reviews of the company’s business. You get access to the pros and cons of their products long before you make the purchasing decision. 
  • As the online landscape is still new to most insurance companies, you may be able to take advantage of the multiple offers and discounts offered. In an attempt to remain competitive and attract buyers to their websites, insurance companies will run reward systems and offers making the car insurance bought online relatively cheaper.  
  • Buying an auto insurance can be rather daunting. Online auto insurance companies have, in light of this, created user-friendly interfaces that ease of the decision-making and ultimately the purchase. Reputable companies have invested in making the process seamless and the transactions safe. 

How to Get Online Auto Insurance Quotes

  • Figure out the location you will need to use while filling out the paper work

The term used for this during most applications the “garage location.” This implies the specific location where the vehicle getting the coverage will be parked most of the time. While this may be a no-brainer for individuals with just one car and one residence, automobile owners with multiple homes and vehicles may find it rather challenging. 

  • Find out the full information on the vehicle

While it is not necessary to give the agent your license plate number or details of your driver’s license, it is important to have the right information at hand. For most companies including , they will require you to have information on the make, model and year of the car at hand. You should also seek to know the vehicle identification number (VIN) before you reach out to the insurance company. Finally, most companies will require you to highlight any safety features and aftermarket features in each of the vehicles listed. Also of importance is information on the expected annual mileage, the vehicle’s primary use and the type of coverage you are looking for. 

  • Have ready any information on the driver(s)

When filling out the insurance coverage paperwork, you may be required to offer factual information on the driver and other individuals who’ll be handling the vehicle. You will need to have information on such inquiries as: how many miles you drive to work and back, particulars on the primary driver of the said vehicle, how long they have been drivers and finally the dates of any minor or major traffic violations by the said driver. Before a quote is drafted, you will also need to indicate the credit scores for all the drivers who will be handling the automobile. 

  • Search online for companies that offer quotes and connect with an independent agent

Finding the right company to get a quote from can be a hassle especially when you are looking to purchase your very first coverage. That is where an independent agent comes in. A quick search online of online auto insurance providers that offer free quotes churns out an overwhelming number. An independent agent will know which site provides the most accurate quote and compares all the quotes from the different companies. They’ll shop, compare and assemble all the information you require to get the best vehicle insurance coverage. 

What you should look for when choosing an online auto insurance coverage

  • A simple online application process
  • User-friendly account management tools
  • Availability of numerous integrated discounts for example multi-car or safe driver discounts
  • Ease in creating custom coverages
  • Availability of optional add-ons. These could range from a simple package of accident forgiveness to new car replacement. 
  • Go for direct to consumer insurers like Geico as not only do you get better packages, you can have your agent custom make an umbrella coverage. 
  • Seek to speak live to a representative instead of simply settling for the online quote that fits a standard situation. 

Even though the internet has made getting an auto insurance quote online rather easy and straight-forward, it can still be daunting especially for first-timers. Within just a few minutes, you can get rate-comparisons and quotes from multiple providers. Invest into getting the best online auto insurance quotes as they are a great tool to have in your research and price shop. 

Different Types of Nursing Degrees

Are you planning to take a nursing degree? As you know, there are different types of nursing degrees. Choosing the right program that best suits your career goals is very important. Choosing the right course on your nursing education will help your professional growth and set your career up for success.

To help you choose what nursing field, you need to know the different educational options for you and what best options fit your goals. There’s a wide array of education paths you can choose from, whether you want to become an RN, LPN, or another advanced practice nurse degree. Your career choice all depends on your goals, want you want to do, and how much money you want to make.

Here are the various types of nursing degrees available:

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing

This is the most basic type of nursing degree. A Bachelor of Science in Nursing is typically a four-year course in a college or university. This nursing degree can be obtained from an accredited university or school that offers specific nursing programs.

The BSN degree prepares future nurses for a wide choice of nursing roles and graduate study. This degree includes course topics such as leadership, research, nursing science, and other related nursing topics. The BSN is often required as a prerequisite for administrative, research, teaching, and consulting roles.

  • Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN)

A Licensed Practical Nursing or simply LPN, takes the duties of long-term care facilities, basic duties in hospital settings and the nursing home. This type of nursing degree is also known as a licensed vocational nurse (LVN). Overall, the role of LPN is to take the overall well-being of the patient and provide them the quality of care they need.

If you love to work hands-on with the patient each day and passionate about healthcare, this career path might be the right choice for you. This nursing path can often be finished in a year or less. Since an LPN can be obtained fast, students usually learn the basic skills first to prepare them for their first actual hospital-setting job. Obtaining this degree makes you qualified and eligible for licensure after you pass the NCLEX exam. 

  • Associate of Science in Nursing

Associate of Science in nursing program is a step between a bachelor’s degree and a high school diploma. Students who wish to take up an Associate of Science in Nursing need to take subjects like nursing, microbiology, anatomy and physiology, nutrition, chemistry, microbiology, and other relevant science courses. 

An ADN course can be completed over a two to three year program. The curriculum for an Associate of Science in nursing not only includes nursing subjects but also liberal arts courses. If you want to have a solid foundation on the health care field, this is the type of nursing course you should choose. Popular among nursing professionals, ADN gives you more opportunities to get into the field of nursing.

  • Masters of Science in Nursing

You must first finish a nursing degree or other related field to get this degree. If you are aiming to become an advanced practice nurse, this type of nursing degree is best for you. Registered nurses who finish this degree are likely to earn more than an RN or LPN. Finishing Masters of Science in nursing means more authority and autonomy in a hospital-setting since you are trained with advanced nursing skills. When you take this nursing path, you can expect a specialized track for certain medical types of nursing care, such as a clinical nurse or a forensic nurse specialist track.

Typically, Master’s degree in nursing can be earned over one to two years. When getting this course, you don’t have to resign from your work since you can take this one while working. In other cases, other employers help some of their employed nurses to pay for their master’s degree. 

  • Doctorate Degrees in Nursing

This is the highest degree you can obtain as a nurse. In order to get a doctorate level degree, you must have first earned a Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in Nursing. When you finish this degree, you will then be referred to as Doctor Nurse. 

There are actually two types of Doctorate Degrees in Nursing, a Doctor of Nursing Science (DNSc) and a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). 

  • Doctor of Nursing Science (DNSc)

This type of doctorate degree focuses on the clinical aspects of nursing. DNSc is actually a research-based focus degree. 

  • Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

This is the type of doctorate degree that is practice-based. This focuses more on the system leadership, quality improvement, organizational management, and other related areas. Nurses who finish this degree develop skills in decision-making, enhanced leadership, and analytical methods. Graduates are trained to improve clinical patient care in the hospital setting. 

There are a wide array of degrees available to those interested in nursing. The key is to evaluate the type of day-to-day responsibilities you want to undertake and the focus your degree that bet fits your interest.

Top 7 Nursing Degree Programs

The demand for nurses has and continues to be very strong. It’s a highly skilled field always in need of talented individuals. It offers the chance to travel (many hospitals will hire for set periods of time) and a wide array of flexible working options (hours, location, etc.). Demand for nurses is only increasing due to the aging of the population. For that reason, many Americans are now looking to nursing for a long and stable career. 

To help you narrow down your options, here are a list of the top nursing universities. Keep in mind that although there are many excellent schools that offer nursing programs, we believe these top 7 schools best illustrate the qualities you should consider when deciding where to get your degree.

  • The University of Pennsylvania. (Average Net Price: $22,944)

Top on the list is the University of Pennsylvania. In 2019 rankings, this university is ranked as fourth in Best Nursing Schools: Master’s. This University in Philadelphia is known to be the home of the best nursing programs in the US that contributes hundreds of top-caliber nurses every year. 

One good thing about this university is that this school allows students to take dual degrees, for instance, a dual degree in Healthcare and Nursing. Students who graduated from the University of Pennsylvania are eligible for admission into any of the master’s degree programs available at the school of nursing. For this reason, this school is your best choice if you want to get concurrent degrees.

  • Duke University (Average Net Price: $19,950)

Second on the list is Duke University. In 1931, the school first opened its doors to its undergraduate nursing students. School of Nursing of Duke University offers many pathways to BSN programs. The most popular option program is their accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing. With this option, students can finish the program in just four semesters. The University is also the leader in nursing and health care curriculum and has a high percentage of passing rates in the NCLEX exams.

  • Ohio State University (Average Net Price $17,971)

Ohio State University is known to be the home to variety of BSN programs. This university is popular in providing students with several nursing program options. The Ohio State University provides a solid foundation in both clinical areas and academic for adult professionals who are seeking to further their careers as nurses. Because of their maintained reputation, most of their students are often offered employment even before graduating.

  • University of California Los Angeles (Average Net Price: $14,236)

The University of California Los Angeles is considered one of the top nursing schools in the US. It is nationally heralded as the home of the top BSN programs. UCLA is also highly rated at both graduate and undergraduate levels for its academic excellence.

Their bachelor degree programs focus on those students who want to become nurses in clinics and hospitals. Their syllabus reflects this by requiring clinical courses that focus on management of patient populations, demographic-based statistical models on population, and advancement on technological healthcare.

  • University of Pittsburgh (Average Net Price of $23,572)

The University of Pittsburgh offers traditional BSN programs. Just like Duke University, University of Pittsburgh also offers accelerated nursing programs that are geared toward students who already earned a graduate degree or bachelor’s degree. In addition, students have also have the option to pursue honors and join the research program.

Students who graduated from the University of Pittsburgh are trained with skills to change the world of hospital leadership to bedside care.

  • University of Maryland Nurwing School (Average Net Price: $26,894)

The University of Maryland is considered to be one of the most respected schools that offers BSN programs. Since it was established in 1893, the university has maintained its high standard of excellence for all its faculty and students. 

As to their faculty members, the University of Maryland only hires real nurses to teach the courses. In that way, BSN pursuers can always be sure that they are taken care of and taught by professionals who fully understand the field.

In addition, UMB students are exposed to clinical and laboratory situations to get a real-setting experience for what actual field hospital work looks like.

  • Emory University (Average Net Price: $24,804)

Emory University is considered one of the nation’s leaders in producing excellent nurses. The Emory University differs from other nursing schools in such a way that it combines traditional nursing values with latest clinical theory.

BSN students are exposed to actual clinical and healthcare works. In addition, Emory provides joint degree options, such as BS to MS option or RN to BS option for students who wish to take their degrees concurrently.

There are numerous universities with nursing degrees but the above are some of the premier options to consider. They all feature high quality education, varying degrees to choose from and a track record of success.

Online Car Insurance Explained

Having your car insured is one of the best things you can do as a responsible car owner. It provides coverage not only for damage and loss on your part but also to affected persons as well, such as in the case of road mishaps. More importantly, it gives you peace of mind and an assurance that, should there be an incident on the road, you and other people affected will be insured. 

How does online car insurance work?

Online car insurance is an insurance policy captured online which handles expenses as a result of an accident, theft or third party liability. It is mandatory and it protects you from financial emergencies and legal liability resulting from collision, bodily injury and damage to you, your vehicle and other persons.  There are now various companies which offer car insurance online with low premiums to choose from. 

Benefits of online car insurance

There are many advantages if you purchase your car insurance policy online:

It requires no agents at all.

There is no need for a middleman such as an insurance agent or broker if you purchase car insurance online. You can easily search for car insurance companies and get quotes directly from them without having to go through the trouble of dealing with various agents. 

It is budget-friendly.

Securing your car insurance online saves you time and money. With just a few clicks you can easily contact car insurance companies to get an informed decision.  Also, since you’re dealing with car insurance companies directly you’ll save money since you don’t have to pay an agent or broker. 

There are online reviews to help you decide.

Confused with what car insurance company to choose? You need not worry as the internet has a rich resource of online reviews to help you decide. Check out a company’s customer ratings and what past clients are saying about their customer service and support.  Opt for a reputable car insurance company backed with years of experience in the industry. 

You can purchase anytime you want.

Buying car insurance online is convenient as you don’t have to adhere to office hours. You can access a car insurance company’s website anytime and you can buy car insurance regardless of the time of day. 

It has a fuss-free and user-friendly process.

Since you’re mostly doing the work yourself, purchasing car insurance online provides easy access and convenience.  There is no waiting time required in processing insurance documents and as a result, you’ll also be able to save more time and effort.  Also, your online financial transactions are secure. 

Disadvantages of online car insurance 

While there are benefits if you buy car insurance online it also has its disadvantages. These are:

You have to rely on your own expertise.

Since you’re buying your car insurance online it also means you’re a one-man army who has to rely on your own expertise. This can be a real struggle especially if it’s not really your cup of tea. You have to double your efforts in researching answers to your insurance-related inquiries since there is no agent to assist you. 

You have to file a claim on your own. 

As mentioned earlier, you’re doing everything alone and this also means filing claims on your own at a time of loss or accident. This can be hard as you tend to be in a lot of pressure and stress during such an unfortunate time. 

You have to be computer-savvy. 

Purchasing car insurance online can be stressful if you don’t have ample computer skills as you have to fill in all the needed information for your car insurance quote. 

You have to call an 800 number and an automated system. 

While there is ample information available online, still there will be times when you have to speak to a person through an 800 number to clarify insurance-related concerns.  However, this can be frustrating as you have to go through an automated system which can put you on hold at long intervals. 

Essential tips when buying online car insurance 

These are just some of the tips that will guide you in purchasing car insurance online:

  • Be sure to compare car insurance policies from at least a few companies.
  • Make sure that you know your requirements and the coverage you wish to buy.
  • Always use a car insurance calculator, an online tool that gives a rough estimate of your car insurance policy cost.
  • Be sure to declare the accurate insured declared value of your car. 
  • Price should not be your only basis when choosing your car insurance company.
  • Choose only relevant add-ons for your car insurance policy.
  • Take things slowly and don’t rush with your decisions.
  • Be sure to determine the cost of the policy for 12 months (they often have 6 month premiums)

With online car insurance, you are assured that expenses will be covered promptly. It also ensures that you, your loved ones and other people affected are covered in case of accident or theft.

All You Need to Know about Car Accident Injury Attorneys

Victims of severe vehicle injuries often find themselves faced with mounting hospital bills and at times, the need for extensive care. This is further exacerbated by having to deal with insurance providers. Attempting to navigate this complex process on your own can be time consuming and puts you at risk of not getting the compensation you justly deserve. Car accident injury attorneys are critically important to ensuring you get the best representation possible. Car accident injury attorneys level the playing field for you since the moment insurance coverage providers receive a claim, they dispatch their team to determine whether you should receive compensation. Your attorney will help make sure they are held accountable.

A personal injury lawyer often times represents complainants who claim to have been injured to the negligence of another. They operate using the tort laws dealing with claims including car accidents and other types of motor vehicle collusions. They take the time to understand the immediate and long-term financial ramifications of the accident. In a nutshell, personal injury lawyers offer their services to the plaintiffs with the end goal of enabling them to receive compensation for their losses. These include not only physical injury but also loss of earning potential during the recovery period. They handle the cases from inception to the appeal court when need arises. 

How they work 

In handling claims, the personal injury attorney works like any other litigator in the legal field. They collect proof, work on various legal hypotheses and finally evaluate the client to determine the validity of the claim. They interview witnesses, work with law enforcement and file motions including discovery requests all in an effort to get fair compensation for the aggrieved parties. Some of the most common kind of personal injury claims includes:

  1. Car accident claims– These are responsible for a majority of personal injury cases filed in the United States. Personal injury lawyers seek to prove that the accident was caused by a careless driver or a breaking of traffic rules. 
  2. Medical malpractice claims– These arise when health care providers fail to provide the best medical care resulting in injury to the patient. 
  3. Slip and fall claims– In these type of claims, property owners are usually the defendant. The personal injury lawyer investigates the claim determining whether the property owner complied with the law and kept their premises reasonably safe and free of hazards. 
  4. Libel and slander claims– The litigant aims to prove defamation of character to the extent that their client has suffered injury both to their self or their reputation. 
  5. Animal attacks and dog bites. – The lawyer tasks the owner of the dog to take on the financial responsibility for the bites and any other financial losses that result from the attack by their animal. 

Why do you need to hire a car accident lawyer

  • Notably, most accident lawyers offer free consultation therefore there is no need to shy away in spite of the size of the case. 
  • Establishing negligence can be difficult at times. To gain an upper hand in any claim, it is paramount to provide sufficient proof of negligence. A car accident lawyer will know where and how to look for evidence that will strengthen your case. 
  • Dealing with insurance companies especially when you have no prior experience can damage your case. When all is said and done, insurance companies are in the business of making money and without care, you may end up admitting fault and damaging your chances at a fair process. 
  • Reputable personal injury attorneys have honed the skill of establishing and fully proving the extent of damage caused to you be the accident. They will successfully identify harm that you may not have thought of before. A good lawyer will breakdown the past and future losses incurred on wages, potential and extent of future earning potential and future costs of medical care and rehabilitation. 
  • Delay in getting legal representation may affect the merits of your case. This is of course dependent on the facts of the incident. 

Hiring a personal injury lawyer

When looking for a personal injury lawyer, go for aggressive legal representation that will not only provide you with personalized attention but ensure you get a reasonable payout from the insurance provider. It is advisable to go for a reputable firm that has a success track record in getting their clients a fair claim. Search in your local directory for tort law firms and check online for reviews. If possible, consider getting a referral from individuals who have sort litigation for car accidents. 


Seek to discuss the fees before signing a contract. Notably, the fees will depend with whether you choose to settle before or after filling the claim. In most cases, personal injury lawyers work with contingency fees. This means that the client does not pay by the hour but instead pays a percentage of the settlement. If you decide to settle before, the lawyer is usually entitled to a third of the settlement fee. When you settle after the filling, the attorney is usually entitled to 40-50% of the fee.  Civil litigation can prove to be a hustle especially if you lack the technical understanding. That is where personal injury lawyers step in. They not only have the know-how to fight insurers in low impact cases but also extensive knowledge in insurance laws. They will hold your hand throughout out the process advising you on whether to settle or file suit and cushion you in the occurrence of downside financial consequences that may occur during the suit. Get yourself a reputable car injury attorney and save yourself the stress of dealing with insurance companies directly.

Why You Should Hire an Immigration Attorney

Are you looking to immigrate? Do you need a work permit, marriage license or are you seeking citizenship? When most people think of these processes given that we are in the digital age, they wonder why they should hire a lawyer and not just go at it by themselves. This is, however, ill-advised. The immigration process can be unpredictable and as such you need an expert holding your hand. Previous applicants will tell you just how easy it is to make a mistake that can be difficult to reverse and at times, some of these can bar you from future successful applications. We explore some of the benefits you will derive from hiring professional help, how you can go about it and what it will likely cost you. 

Benefits of an immigration lawyer

Immigration lawyers avoid mistakes.

The immigration process involves lots of paperwork. Whether you are looking to acquire a visa or have a loved one join you in your host company, filling the correct paperwork is vital to your success. Having an experienced professional guide you through the extensive paperwork will help you avoid the loopholes that will stand in the way of your application. They will help get all the important documents verified by the right authorities. 

Immigration attorneys are able to navigate through the permits and regulations. 

An experience lawyer understands the complex regulatory systems tied to the application process. Most applicants may not understand the procedural maneuver necessitating taking on the services of an attorney. 

You are an easy target when you are unrepresented 

Immigrants are a population that is at risk especially when they are undocumented. This usually means that unscrupulous individuals and companies seek to take advantage of this group. An immigration lawyer cushions you from this eventuality. They bar you from intimidation, extortion and undue process. An immigration lawyer becomes your defender making you less vulnerable throughout the process. 

Hiring a lawyer is not only efficient but reduces risk 

It is estimated that hiring a professional immigration lawyer can save you up to 8 weeks in the immigration process. An experienced attorney will not only help you identify the visa and relief that best fits your individual case but will also help you make a valid and complete application. They guide you through the possible pitfalls that will get your application thrown out. 

Saves you money and time 

Imagine spending thousands in the immigration process and waiting for months to not only have your application thrown out or in extreme cases, be deported or excluded from future entry. Immigration lawyers cushion you from exactly that. They advise on whether to apply for relief via a waiver. Similarly, they examine any run-ins you may have had with law enforcement to check if that would hamper your case. In situations where you are seeking asylum or any type of visa that will require you to proceed to the immigration court, they prepare you for court as well. 

Hiring an immigration attorney 

When hiring a lawyer, it is advised to hire one that specializes in immigration law. This is especially necessary as the subset can be complex and extensive. An experienced attorney will have a firm grasp on the do’s and don’ts during the process. Additionally, they understand the trends in the process and what will affect your individual application. 

Notably, seasoned professionals will have relevant contacts that will simplify the process. This will be handy if you seek to fast-track the process.  

How do you figure out you landed a good immigration lawyer? Consider how they treat you and your case. Does he simply want to have his fees settled or does he take the time to check out your particular case? Does he seek to listen to your predicaments or goes on to offer you a generic solution? Does he handle your case himself or pass it on to a less qualified paralegal or associate? Representation during the immigration process is vital and could make or break your case. Take time to examine whether they truly care about your case. 


It is common practice for most immigration lawyers to charge a fixed rate instead of an hourly rate. To avoid misunderstanding, have your lawyer of choice clearly break down all the associated the costs to you. As the process may be costly, go for firms that will work with you to come up with a payment plan instead of having to pay the full amount upfront. 

Navigating through the process of immigration can be such a headache especially when you have no bearing in immigration law. From the extensive paperwork to all the different requirements, you are certainly going to end up feeling rather frustrated. That is where immigration attorneys step in. Take on the services of a reputable immigration lawyer to walk you through the correct steps. Do not gamble with your future but instead let the experts help you in your path to immigration.

Black Friday Shopping 2018

Black Friday fever is about to explode and you better be in the loop!  Online or offline, there is so much to look forward to so don’t be left behind. The shop till you drop season is about to commence a day after Thanksgiving. Before you get caught up in all the confusion on where to shop, here’s a checklist of the best places to get the best deals:


The e-commerce giant and cloud computing company founded by Jeff Bezos is a certified hit among Black Friday shoppers. Last year it clinched the top spot with more or less 171 Editor’s Choice Deals.  Most of the products put on sale for their lightning deals last year included smart devices, Alexa-enabled smart speakers, Fire tablets and TV devices as well as shirts and S1 transporters.  For this year, the online retailer will have a 10-day sale from November 16thto the 25thwith some of their early online deals including Philips smart bulbs and Amazon Echos.


This US department store chain founded by Rowland Hussey Macy in 1958 is a byword among Black Friday shoppers for their extensive deals on toys, electronics, bedding, small kitchen appliances, clothes and much more.  They have already released their Black Friday ad with a couple of free items also up for grabs. Just some of the  great deals to look out for this year include discounted Apple watches, Corningware and Pyrex sets, blenders, waffle makers, pressure cookers and comforters.


This US-based multinational retail company founded by Sam Walton in 1962 is another major player and crowd favorite when it comes to Black Friday deals. With major headquarters in Arkansas, this popular brand is set to released their Black Friday ad November 8th.  Their best deals last year included discounted Apple iPhones and iPads, a Sharp Smart TV, the FitBit Alta, the Samsung Galaxy S7 and Google Home speakers.  This retail giant is also well-known for its great Black Friday deals on LEGO toys, apparel and outer wear.


Highly popular for its Black Friday deals, this US-based multi-national e-commerce company was founded in 1995 by Pierre Omidyar. With e-commerce now the ultimate rage, it has positioned itself as the ultimate marketplace for shoppers from across all age brackets.  Their best Black Friday deals include headphones, televisions, video game consoles and security cameras.


Best known for being the second largest department store retailer in the US after Walmart, this popular retailer which was founded in 1902 is a very strong contender when it comes to Black Friday deals. Target releases its ad as early as November 1 and some of the hot deals and discounted items that you shouldn’t miss include:  selected LEGO sets, the Amazon Echo, the Fitbit Charge 3, the Amazon Echo Dot, the Sony PlayStation 4, small kitchen appliances and the Samsung Galaxy 9 smartphone.


BestBuy is a US-based multinational electronics retailer founded in 1966 by Richard Schulze and James Wheeler. This brand is among the top contenders when it comes to the best Black Friday electronics deals.  Just some of their best deals last year included discounted Sharp, Sony and Samsung LED TV’s, the Samsung Galaxy Note, a Samsung Chrome Book, a Dell Inspiron and Apple iPad Mini 4. While many of the great deals are in-store only, they do offer online shoppers  deals that extend through Cyber Monday.


One of the more established, veteran brands, Kohl’s is a US-based department store retail chain founded in 1927 by Maxwell Kohl, a Polish immigrant.  This brand is well-known for their Black Friday deals  and discounts on items like fitness trackers, smart watches, electronics, fitness shoes, clothing, home goods and small kitchen appliances.


This company is the go-to for electronic geeks and shoppers who love to hunt for the best deals on computers and electronics. This US-based multinational computer technology corporation was founded in 1984 by Michael Dell with headquarters in Round Rock, Texas, USA. Their Black Friday discounted items are mostly laptops and personal computers with the best deals usually accompanied with a bundled gift card. Some of their Black Friday deals to watch out for are discounted items like the Xbox One, the Google Home, a Sony 65 inch Smart TV, the Dell G5 15 and a Vizio 50 inch Smart TV.

With Black Friday approaching you surely don’t want to be left behind with all these fabulous deals that are up for grabs. Take your pick from these brands and online retail chains or better yet, check them all out and get your money’s worth, too!

Top 5 Reasons to Use a Professional Accountant

Starting a business can be overwhelming sometimes. It is easy to start one; especially if you already have a capital. The real challenge is how to make that business venture successful. The measure of success is not only based on how much you sell but how you manage your finances. This is where  employing an accountant can be very helpful. Accounting software is very well marketed as a solution but it rarely succeeds in determining all of the financial benefits your business can employ. Finding a qualified certified public accountant to help analyze relevant financial transactions of your company and determine the most cost effective means to conduct your business can be invaluable.

Below are the top 5 reasons why every company should employ a certified public accountant (CPA):


Save time and effort

Having to do all the paper works, monitoring your sales and expenses, and managing the business at the same time can be really time-consuming and tedious. Most businessmen think that hiring an accountant is expensive. But if you think how much time and effort you can save on dealing with your finances, you will soon realize the benefits certainly compensate for the cost. When you decide to start up your own business, your priority should be on running your business. While you are busy managing your business, your accountant will help you prepare your finances, save you money, and bring you peace of mind.

As an entrepreneur, your most concern is the day-to-day operations of the business. Your accountant can help you in managing the business, especially on the financial side and can objectively help you make decisions to upkeep the longevity and existence of your business.

Help with compliance

One of the major benefits of using a professional accountant is they are very knowledgeable of tax laws. A professional accountant can help ensure your business is compliant with these regulatory taxes. Aside from being an expert on taxation, a professional accountant understands regulatory laws which in turn save you money by advising you on the most tax efficient way of managing your business.

In-house financial advisor

An in-house accountant can be a great source of information and advice in helping you grow your business. For instance, an accountant can help you in the process of decision making by forecasting budgets and analyzing financial reports. They can guide you also on the cost analysis process by establishing and implementing policies and procedures. They can also provide financial statements that include trends, budgets, and forecasts. From these reports, you can then determine the  recommended actions to best manage your business.

Avoid an audit

Another reason why companies need accountants is to avoid the hassle of an audit. By taking the necessary steps to ensure you are following all tax laws, it can remove the headache and cost of an audit. Some of the reasons why businesses are being audited include mistakes on tax forms, excessive write-offs, too many charitable donations, and other red flags. Employing a professional accountant can help you avoid these mistakes. They know what expenses are allowed to be deducted as well as the threshold of these deductions. In addition, if ever the IRS request a substantiation of expenditures, your accountant can help you accurately provide these documents

Plan the future of your business

One of the major benefits of employing an accountant is to get an advice on how to plan for the future of your business. With the help of an accountant, previous financial reports can be analyzed in terms of profitability, liquidity, and seasonality. This analysis can help you in making sound financial and operational decisions for the future of your business.


For your business to become successful, both the growth and profitability of the business are important. Accountants can help determine the key components relevant in measuring the performance and success of the business. Think of hiring an accountant as a long-term partner who cares for your business and keeps it fiscally sound.

Top 5 Online MBA Schools in the U.S.

Today, more people than ever are getting their MBA degree programs online. Getting a master’s degree has become easier since many universities in the US are now offering them directly online. Previously, people would have to quit their job first to get the degree but, now, they can do both at the same time. Many business universities now provide an online option that allows maximum flexibility to their students. The flexibility of getting an online MBA degree allows a student to work around both professional and personal commitments.

As for picking the right MBA school, here is a cultivated list of universities that offer online MBA degrees. These schools offer the best online master’s degree in business administration, based on factors such as reputation for excellence among peers, admission selectivity, and career support to its graduating students.

University of North Carolina (Kenan Flagler)

The UNC Kenan Flagler business school gives full-time professionals the chance to advance their careers from anywhere in the world. Students may select 1 of 8 concentration tracks to pursue, including Data Analytics and Decision Making, Corporate Finance, Management Consulting, Sustainable Enterprise, Chain Management, Global Supply, Entrepreneurship, or Investment Management.

The university allows students to complete the program on a full or part-time schedule. Through hands-on learning experiences and intimate online classes, students develop the insights to lead top organization, network face-to-face with competent and accomplished professors and earn the MBA degree as on-campus students.

To start with the application, applicants can visit their website and fill out a brief form to receive more information about the program from their admission team.

Pennsylvania State University – World Campus

The Pennsylvania State University takes the second spot in this ranking. The university offers core programs that will help business-minded professionals advance their careers by exposing them to practices and principles necessary to modern management. The university’s comprehensive list of online MBA programs helps fill skill gaps in today’s complex business environment. These programs allow students to expand their education while earning highly marketable core skills that are in demand right now.

As for the initial requirements, students need to send the following documents electronically:

  • Official transcripts from the institution attended
  • GPA and test scores
  • Test waiver policy
  • English proficiency rating
  • References

An online application can be done at any time. Admission will be considered once all the requirements are completed.

University of Maryland-College Park (Smith)

Next on the list is the University of Maryland. The school provides numerous programs to students to ensure their development and success, including internship and scholarship opportunities, professional development resources, and online program courses.

The Robert H. Smith School of Business offers degree program to those who want to further enhance their education in Marketing, Information Systems and Business Analytics, Supply Chain Management, and Accounting and Finance.

The GRE or GMAT is required for all MBA applicants. Just like Pennsylvania State, University of Maryland requires the same documents, such as transcript of record, diploma, and English proficiency rating.

University of Virginia (Darden)

The University of Virginia offers online MBA courses for students who want to pursue greater education. They are ranked as no. 1 education experience by The Economist (2011-2017). This school offers opportunities for those wanting to combine passion and purpose. Their program includes a balanced syllabus that covers the fundamentals of business education, with course in economics, marketing, management strategies and analytics, and finance.

Darden School of business offers online courses in discipline areas that can affect the greatest on the career of their students. To know more about their programs, you can personally visit their website and explore your options.

University of Florida (Hough)

The University of Florida Online program provides students the ease and flexibility to complete an MBA degree from anywhere without sacrificing access to top faculty and high-quality learning opportunities. Students have access to competent and dedicated career faculty for career readiness.

Since the 20thcentury, The UF Hough Graduate School of Business has been providing MBA program online. Students who wish to enroll have two online MBA options: a one-year, 32-credit online program for undergrad business major student who already got the fundamentals in core subjects; and a two-year, 48-credit program that takes about twenty seven (27) months to finish the course and requires 7 visitation to the school’s Gainesville campus. Students can choose from four focus concentrations, Entrepreneurship, Global Business, Marketing, and Finance.

Similar to other business schools, Hough Graduate School of Business requires any applicant to take the GRE or GMAT. The applicant should also take TOEFL and pass the required score. Minimum document requirements include a transcript of record, diploma, and letter of recommendation. Online enrollment for the upcoming school year is now open. Student can simply visit their website for the initial application.

Above are the top 5 online MBA schools in the US. They have a reputation for excellence among peers, admission selectivity, and career support to its graduating students.